
Activity: American accent

Activity Description:

(1) Work in groups of four

(2) Use the search engine to find out a video clip or sound files of someone who has an American Accent

(3) Pay attention to the way he or she talks

Through the activity students can obtain the skills of searching information and information selection. They are given the chance to find something they are interested in which largely enhances their motivation of learning. Since the searching result can be various, students can have chance to exchange their searching results and ideas with each other.

Secondly, this activity is connected with students' language skills such as writing and listening. Students need to know how to obtain the correct information form the website they choose or the audio they are watching. Meaningful information should be recorded. It is easy for they students to be concerntrade in the whole process of learning.

Thirdly,it is also good to enlarge stduents general knowledge. Through searching, listening and recording, students can get large amount of information fom the website. It gives them access to some information they may not know before.
Most importan thing: Students are avaible to use authentic materials

